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In this diary, I record my life as a transvestite. Perhaps it will help somebody else, who finds their lifestyle doesn't quite match that endorsed by the 'tranny mafia'. Well, I've been there... and survived. The debriefing starts here.

�loves: All kinds of stuff that society thinks I shouldn't.

�hates: Microsoft. Obviously.


Lynn Jones

Taking care
12:12 a.m. -- 2009-11-09

Recently, Poolie told me to "take care". In fact, the Fictional Pirate Captain went to some trouble to reinforce that point.

I reflected upon this on Thursday night, still driving home from work as the clock crept towards eleven. Knowing that I'd have to be up at five. Dinner had consisted of a packet of crisps, consumed while driving... although I took the time to make some toast once I got home.

My angelic wife was already fast asleep, looking gorgeous in her white cotton pyjamas. (This blog talks about pyjamas a little too often, but I assure you it's not a fixation.) I always feel guilty when wifey sleeps with the light on, to help me find my way to bed. Still, any time before midnight seems reasonably civilised... if only I didn't have all those 5am starts!

I'd been asked to give a talk on Friday, and unfortunately I can't give such a thing as a low-key talk. It has to include dazzling photos. It has to entertain the audience, as well as inform them. I have to visit the venue in advance, to conduct a 'technical rehearsal' (translation: make sure the feckin' projector works) and assess the light levels in the room. All that jazz.

I'm a bullshitter. Bullshitting people is what I do best, and it's why I have a job. So I have to schmooze them with a slick show, even if that means working half the night. Call it a character flaw: the peacock-like need to fire up my laptop and say "Hey: look what I can do."

But: I am taking care. Honest. I had a very relaxed weekend. I went to the gym on Friday night and managed a fairly pathetic half-hour of slow swimming, but it ensured that I slept like a log. Waking up at 8am is a major lie-in for us! I didn't attempt anything particularly strenuous this weekend. Bit of housework, bit of shopping (with wifey, but we both failed to buy anything - other than food, later); visit to church for Remembrance Sunday (some touching prayers; crappy awful modern 'hymns' accompanied by long-haired freaks with guitars and tambourines. Please ___k off.)

And, er, that's about it. At least... that's all I'm going to share. I'm still here, still reading, and hoping to be more insightful... someday.

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