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In this diary, I record my life as a transvestite. Perhaps it will help somebody else, who finds their lifestyle doesn't quite match that endorsed by the 'tranny mafia'. Well, I've been there... and survived. The debriefing starts here.

�loves: All kinds of stuff that society thinks I shouldn't.

�hates: Microsoft. Obviously.


Lynn Jones

Something from the Gallery
12:05 p.m. -- 2009-01-31

What a week! Back from skiing (no legs broken, and no blunt testicular trauma...) and straight into work, catching up after having the temerity to spend some time away.

Miles driven: just over four hundred. Nights away from home: two (hotel bills eating into my slender profit margins). Pages of technodrivel generated: something like twenty-two. Proportion of the weekend that will be spent fulfilling promises made: about half.

So I won't write a proper entry just now... I've got things to do. But I wanted to share this little piece of awesomeness with you:

The Bus Slogan Generator

Those of you who don�t follow news events here in the People�s Republic of BlairBrown may not have heard of the �Atheist Bus� campaign. Basically, a Humanist group paid to have the following phrase posted onto the advertising space of some 800 buses, all over the UK:

There�s probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.

This has caused a little bit of a stir, although the most newsworthy moment was when a driver from Southampton refused to drive a bus that displayed these words. (He follows a faith that�s something to do with a crucified carpenter�s son, from Nazareth. More about this sometime soon...) Amusingly, the driver�s refusal caused far more people to see the slogan he disliked, not least because he was interviewed in front of the offending vehicle.

What phrase would you want displayed on a bus? Have fun with the Slogan Generator. Meanwhile (as Tony Hart would have said), here�s the gallery:
Bus slogan 2
Bus slogan 1
I know. You wait ages for a crap tranny gag, and then two of them come along together...

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