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In this diary, I record my life as a transvestite. Perhaps it will help somebody else, who finds their lifestyle doesn't quite match that endorsed by the 'tranny mafia'. Well, I've been there... and survived. The debriefing starts here.

�loves: All kinds of stuff that society thinks I shouldn't.

�hates: Microsoft. Obviously.


Lynn Jones

The Fairy Godfather
6:56 a.m. -- 2008-08-01

All you folks with your fancy 'gold' membership... you Goldmembers. Well, I may not be that flash, but I've finally managed to add a commenting system to my diary.

'Lynn' (no offence meant... by convention in this blog, trannys' adopted names are put in quotes like that) convinced me to do it, because apparently this is Web 2.0; a glorious future in which we all get to be contributors, rather than just readers.

So... (potentially) anonymous commenting is here at last. It'll be interesting to see if anybody with, er... strong opinions... decides to leave a message. I'm not particularly horrified by the idea; just wondering if they'll bother.

Given that the world is moving to version 2.0 (somebody's going to have to explain the 'point zero' part to me) it was inevitable that somebody would attempt to create a transgender wiki. I found one; there's a link to it here. A repository of knowledge on things that affects the gender-confused community.

It's not great... it's very cold and scientific. Links to medical journals abound. It also seems to be geared heavily towards transsexualism. As such, there's a danger that a family member treating it as a 'help' resource might assume that their husband, son, father or whatever is not merely a cross-dresser, but likely to face the whole gamut of things that are presented.

Also, the wiki appears to be the work of a very few people. I admire devotion, but when one person has made several hundred entries I start to wonder about just how in-depth their knowledge can be - and the question of bias creeps in. The article on cross-dressing, for example, has been tweaked five times since it was written... but it has only ever had one author.

I've told you about the Tranny Mafia before; I think I just found out who the Fairy Godfather is.

Then again, given the broad range of different motivations, disorders and kinks that may or may not characterise the gender-confused community, any attempt to provide unified definitions would really cause the fur to fly.

And fur is so last century, don't you think?

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