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In this diary, I record my life as a transvestite. Perhaps it will help somebody else, who finds their lifestyle doesn't quite match that endorsed by the 'tranny mafia'. Well, I've been there... and survived. The debriefing starts here.

�loves: All kinds of stuff that society thinks I shouldn't.

�hates: Microsoft. Obviously.


Lynn Jones

Roll your own
7:39 p.m. -- 2023-07-04

I’ve been thinking about this a lot, lately: if you want to live your life according to the principles of a holy book, you have to write your own.

I mean, you could adopt somebody else’s writings, but that opens you up to all kinds of abuse from manipulative people, be they Catholic fondlers or the remnant twisted disciples of L Ron Hubbard.

It’s so much better to figure things out for yourself – and unless you’re a psychopath, you can do it.

The text of the Bible is available on websites. In various versions. The Koran is, too. So, if you want to, download away... but then fix it. Add your voice!

I actually have very little against the Bible. Lots of good books have a talking snake at the beginning: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, for one. Obviously, the bits where the Bible says that the Earth is flat are a bit retarded... but so were the authors. You have to keep in mind that this was written by cave dwelling dropouts who ate locusts. Divinely inspired? My arse. More like inspired by certain controlled substances available to freaky hermits. The Book of Revelations is laughable! Deuteronomy is nuts, too... and Ezekiel’s Wheel is as trippy a UFO report as you will ever see.

The thing is, when I negotiate with somebody, I get to look at the contract they’re proposing. I can point at a paragraph and say “What does this bit mean?” Then they have to tell you what the bit in question means, and – this is key – you are then perfectly within your rights to say “Oh, well if that’s what you mean, please write it in.” That’s how you avoid getting ripped off, or making lawyers rich for a decade or so.

Why, then, do we have millions of people going to church (or mosque/temple/stone circle/whatever) to be told by their celebrants what the words of their elders and (cough) betters meant? “What does this bit mean?” must always be followed by annotating (and ultimately correcting) the holy book, because this is the 21st century. We have things, now, that aren’t covered by the imagination of a 1st century goatherd. Artificial Intelligence; contraception; medicine that works; travel and communications; democracy; rule of law. You can’t live your life according to rules set out in the iron age!

The next person who calls at my front door and wants to talk about their holy book had better have written the damned thing themselves – or at least a substantial part of it. Anything else is just the sign of a saddo cult victim going through the motions because The Rules said they should. It’s pathetic, really.

This has been a rant by MFV. I don’t write here often, but I know it pleases Anna when I do, so... hi darlin’ and much love!


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