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In this diary, I record my life as a transvestite. Perhaps it will help somebody else, who finds their lifestyle doesn't quite match that endorsed by the 'tranny mafia'. Well, I've been there... and survived. The debriefing starts here.

�loves: All kinds of stuff that society thinks I shouldn't.

�hates: Microsoft. Obviously.


Lynn Jones

Is it tomorrow already?
8:10 a.m. -- 2008-09-05

I haven't gone to bed yet.

When I was a kid, I thought staying up all night was an exciting, grown-up thing to do. Now I know better: going 26+ hours without sleep is for suckers. Tiredness sets in eventually, even for night owls like me. (Actually I had a real owl for company, hooting away quite happily, over in the trees.)

It's that laziness I mentioned yesterday, though. Laziness kept me from going to bed (which sounds kind of silly, I know). I had promised somebody that I'd have a piece of work completed by the end of the week, and what with international time differences, the only way to give said customer a chance to study my work and respond... was to send it by 8AM.

If I wasn't lazy, I'd have finished the job by Tuesday. Instead, I burnt the midnight oil (well, electricity) and got gritty eyes as the wee small hours got depressingly big. Quality control has gone out of the window and I'm now coming to terms with the after-effects of having drunk enough coffee to float a Type 23 frigate.

Being lazy, I didn't focus purely on my work, but also had a web browser going on another computer. I saw each of my Diaryland friends arrive online, and update their diaries in accordance with their habits and time zones. It was nice to have some company!

I'm going to sleep all through the weekend now, aren't I? Oh well... why change the habit of a lifetime?

Oh, I'd like to apologise for yesterday's geektastic entry. I have no excuse, other than an increasing sense of desperation as I scrape at the empty barrel that is my skull, in an effort to come up with another article that fits the intended theme of this diary.

Sorry everyone. But don't worry: your lack of comments spoke volumes. I'll try to talk about something that's more fun next time. I feel a few ideas coming on... but maybe my judgment isn't its best right now.

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